Insurance & Financial Information - Choosing an Insurance Plan

Evaluating Insurance Coverage


Evaluating an insurance policy or insurance coverage


When choosing an insurance policy or coverage it is important to know what questions to ask and what information you should be aware of.


  • Are you required to join an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) or PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) and how do you access medical specialist for yourself and your dependents?

  • What is the cost of the policy and what does it cover?

  • How much is the co-pay? (How much do you have to pay for prescriptions and medical procedures? How much does the insurance company cover? Is there a maximum amount you have to pay before the policy covers 100% of the charges?)

  • What is the percentage of coverage for your patient and in-patient visits? (For example: 80% of the out patient charges are covered by insurance. The employee must pay the other 20%. This sounds like good coverage unless you are responsible for a percentage of lengthy out patient visits with may expensive procedures and/or tests.)

  • Are there limitations or insurance exclusions? (For example: Some insurance companies consider bone marrow transplants experimental, for certain diseases, and therefore will not cover bone marrow transplants.)

  • How much is deductible and over what period of time? (For example: You may have to have a certain amount in medical bills before the insurance either pays for everything and your major medical portion covers 100%, or there is another co-pay situation.)

  • What is the policy appeal process? (For example: If there is a discrepancy in what is charged and what the insurance will pay? If so, how do you contest that?)

  • Do you have the option of signing up for additional coverage? (For example: Can you sign up for additional dental coverage? Is there a supplemental cancer policy? Can you get catastrophic insurance that covers you after you use up all your sick leave and need to be on medical leave for days or months?

  • If you have a spouse, you need to evaluate which insurance is better, which should be primary, whether it is worth carrying two policies.

  • If you are or will be in college, your parent(s)/guardian(s) can continue to cover you on their policy until you are 25, as long as you are in college the entire time.

  • If you and a spouse work for the same employer, how does that affect your insurance coverage?

  • What happens if/when you leave an employer and need insurance until you secure another job? Eligibility is maintained under a federal law called COBRA. Although the federal government may be altering COBRA the second half of 1998 to extend coverage. (For example: Can your insurance coverage continue for a specified period of time? If you pay the premiums, how much will those premiums be, and how long can the insurance last?

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